The stone tables are made of marble, gabbro and anorthosite. A polished thin section of c millimetres is sampled from a rock and examined with a polarising 


these clasts, an apparent ferroan troctolitic anorthosite, based upon our examination of thin section MAC88105,97 and our bulk chemical analysis of five separate fragments from MAC88 105,5 1 by INAA. This clast, designated W2 by the JSC curatorial facility, was originally about 1 cm

2. ANORTHOSITE white course grained plagioclase MT. 3. APALITE fine pink CO. 4. BASALT olivine, La Bajada Hill NM Quarternary.

Anorthosite thin section

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Scale bar on the left edge is in millimeters. NASA photo S72-48821. [ RIGHT ] Microscope image in linear polarized light of a thin-section showing a spinel-rich clast in lunar meteorite ALHA81005. The Bethampudi layered anorthosite complex at the border zone of Archaean supracrustal rocks of Khammam district, Eastern Ghats shows normal stratification predominantly in the form of rhythmic layering and often exhibits of zebra layering.

Of Lewisian age, and one of the most ancient  behaviour of plagioclase is assessed from analyses of three anorthosite units deformed polished thin sections using a JEOL Superprobe JXL. 8200 at the  bauxite in thin sections (Fig. 4D) show the relative accumulation of aluminium.

Anorthosite Thin Sections (cont.) 2.2 Secondary Minerals Quartz. Quartz can be considered as a secondary mineral in anorthosite, since it represents less than 5% on the QAPF diagram.

Thirty polished thin sections from all major lithological units were examined  Jan 19, 2017 - Photomicrograph of a thin section showing twinned, aligned plagioclase in anorthosite. A coarse grained igneous rock, anorthosite is  Anorthosite; Norite, feldspathic pyroxenites; Harzburgite, Dunite (ultramafic in thin section; It may occur as independent prisms or as crusts on the pyroxene. 14. Oldest of the intrusive rocks is gabbroic anorthosite which itself consists of More than 500 thin sections were studied, and modal analyses were made on about  2 Mar 2020 1b,c) and from the local invasion of thin offshoots of anorthosite from of anorthosite from the basal part of the pothole at Smokey Hills mine,  9, map and sections A–B, E–F).

Habit: Found in thin sections as clusters of 100 mikron sized grains. They are sorrounded by a characteristic double corona texture. Description: In a strongly 

Anorthosite thin section

Plane-polarized light, field widths are 0.3 mm. HIGGINS TEXTURAL COARSENING OF ANORTHOSITE Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the relationships of the three principal lithologies of anorthosite and troctolite. The section is ~1 m thick, but the horizontal scale is not linear. To the left the Nodular Troctolite consists of olivine oikocrysts 20–30 cm long (pale) set in a matrix of anorthosite Many anorthosite outcrops are transected by thin veins and stringers of quartz and feldspar, manifesting incipient disaggregation by the granitic protolith to the host quartzofeldspathic gneiss.

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306-473-  Comtutor | 614-704 Phone Numbers | Worthingtn, Ohio. 514-394-6756 Quadrisection Theintegrativeapproach hue. 514-394- Anorthosite Mail-tigerdirect. Diorite Rock Composition, Formation and Uses Area.

ANORTHOSITE white course grained plagioclase MT. 3. APALITE fine pink CO. 4.
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This is a thin section of Gabbro from the tertiary volcanic centre in Ardnamurchan, on the West Coast of Scotland. Famous for its complete ring dyke made of Eucrite, a similar gabbro. This sample was collected from a Part of the Hypersthene gabbro at Sanna Point.

There is some olivine now altered to chlorite and hornblende. The rest of the slide is clear sharp plagioclase, showing excellent twinning, sometimes curved. In optical mineralogy and petrography, a thin section is a laboratory preparation of a rock, mineral, soil, pottery, bones, or even metal sample for use with a polarizing petrographic microscope, electron microscope and electron microprobe.

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23 Dec 2020 Bushveld anorthosites commonly contain the so-called “mottles” It is relatively unaltered except for very thin (~ 10 μm) sub-vertical veinlets of The section analysed by FESEM is highlighted by the stippled box. b

• It has been derived from a basic magma either grabbroic or … Anorthosite is a rock type of the mafic-ultramafic succession, The thin section above doesn't allow evaluation of textures that may be related to overgrowths. Cite. 10th Dec, 2016. Microscopic examination of a thin section of garnet anorthosite from the former locality showed it to consist predominantly of scapolitised plagioclase; large (2 - 9mm) garnets, altered to kelyphite on their margins; and minor clinopyroxene, hornblende and magnetite-ilmenite. Origin of Anorthosite by Textural Coarsening: Quantitative Measurements of a Natural Sequence of Textural Development MICHAEL D. HIGGINS* SCIENCES DE LA TERRE, UNIVERSITE´ DU QUE´BEC A` CHICOUTIMI, CHICOUTIMI, G7H 2B1, CANADA Thin section of an olivine oikocryst adjacent to section … 2013-10-27 Jan 19, 2017 - Photomicrograph of a thin section showing twinned, aligned plagioclase in anorthosite.